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101 Ways To Make Money in Africa






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You Want To Do Business, Make An Impact, AndĀ Earn Profits In Africa? This Book WILL Change Your Perspective!


101 Ways to Make Money in Africa has 260 pages filled with theĀ bestĀ  business ideas that will work in Africa for years to come.

The book is the most detailed compilation of business ideas, on-the-ground facts, market tips and advice for anyone who's looking to start a business or invest in Africa, especially when you are getting started on the ground for the first time.

We wrote this book to show you a side of Africa the media still doesn't talk about very often. We wrote this book to show you the unbelievable business opportunities that exist in Africa and the amazing success stories that prove their viability and profitability. We wrote this book to spark your brain with feasible ideas that will make you money in Africa.


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Meet the Authors 

Both authors are International Africa Business Experts since 2012 who have lived and worked in Africa for several decades.

Dr. Harnet Bokrezion 

Dr. Harnet Bokrezion is renowned certified Africa Business & Investment Trainer and Consultant who has taught thousands of people internationally how to to business in Africa the right way. She is the founder of Africa Business Jumpstart and her online membership group, the Africa Business Academy.

John-Paul Iwuoha 

JOHN-PAUL IWUOHA is an entrepreneur, business coach, author, speaker, avid blogger and podcast host. He is the Founder & CEO of Smallstarter Africa, a fast-growing platform that's inspiring the next generation of African entrepreneurs who will build lasting businesses, create jobs and bring prosperity to the continent.

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  • 260 pages filled with 101 Lucrative Business Ideas, Inspiring Success Stories, and Business Opportunities in Africa