Africa Business Missions ONLINE

Welcome to Africa!

How would it be, if you could get access to African leaders and opportunities in the comfort of your home...?

Hi, Dr. Harnet here. So, I have lead 11 Africa Business Missions on the ground so far. And then, in early 2019 I had this crazy thought..."What if we could bring those insights & opportunities hundreds of you can benefit from them?"

My most ambitious Africa business program to date... I traveled to 3 countries last summer, and commissioned work to be done in the 4th one. The biggest challenge ever! Why? Because I could not get all interviews within tight deadlines. I needed government permits, was asked to re-arrange meetings multiple times....only to find myself heavily depending on how reliable people actually were to follow through with their promises once I had left the country! There was 1 person...I emailed 12 times to request the footage. Yes, that is correct, over 12 times for one office. The footage still never came...

The program...

But hey, this is all part of doing business with Africa's emerging markets!

...The program is far from perfect, but it delivers its promises. We are pioneering something here!  And we are ONLY running this in 2020 - and then never again.

We are covering 4 industries...


Real Estate 


Tourism (Tanzania)


and 4 countries...

How much would the following be worth to you...?

==> Getting access to 22 people in government & the private sector who KNOW the insights and trends.

==> Getting their private contact details, too.

==> Getting a hands-on understanding of the complex local business environment

==> Getting downloads to investment projects sitting on government computers

==> Getting access to CONCRETE partnership &  investment opportunities that have been vetted for you.

==> Being 10 steps ahead of most people after getting the above.

==> Saving time.





LIVE Q & A in March 2020

Welcome to your special bonus! A live session with Dr. Harnet in a group setting to follow up on your business missions online.

Pricing Options


Business missions to 4 countries:



Contact details of partners

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